Privacy Policy

We want you to have as much fun as is possible when visiting and playing the free to play slot games offered here on the Let’s Play Slots website, and we think that you are not going to have that much fun if we forced you to sign up and register each and every time you want to play one of our slot games instantly and for free online.

With this in mind we have chosen to make all of our slot machine games available without the need for you to have to supply any of your own personal details to play them, and that means you can visit our site whenever you choose without the need to sign up or register, and as such you private details will never be at risk!

Should you contact us via our available contact email address which can be found on the contact us section of this website then we will only use your email address to reply to any questions you may have and will never sell or pass on your email address to anyone else nor will we send out any marketing type emails.

Doug is a passionate Slot fan and an expert in the gaming industry and has written extensively about online slot games and various other related information pertaining to online slots. In his spare time, he enjoys time with friends and family, reading, travelling, and of course, playing the slots.

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